Medium Readings with Marnie

Private Readings

A statue of an angel with pink flowers in the background.

Marnie is an evidential, light trance, physical, and clairvoyant medium. Her clients say she is one of Alberta's and even Canada's top mediums. 

Marnie's sessions are available via Zoom, phone, and by email request for an in-person session.  Marnie is a professional natural medium, one of Canada's Top Mediums.  Her Zoom and phone sessions are identical to in-person sessions, as your loved ones come directly to Marnie.  Marnie will record your reading, and your recording will be sent by email directly after the session. 

Click the button below to schedule a phone or Zoom session. If you would like to meet in person, you can contact Marnie through the contact Marnie page.

Schedule Appointment

Medium Readings

Experience Healing and Connection with Marnie, One of Canada’s Top Mediums

Marnie is a renowned medium with over 45 years of experience. She is dedicated to connecting people with their loved ones in the spirit world. Through her profound abilities, she provides solid evidence, emotional healing, and heartfelt messages from the other side.

In your reading with Marnie, you’ll experience the following:

  • Evidential Mediumship: Marnie provides powerful, verifiable information that proves your loved ones are present in spirit. You’ll receive specific details about their lives, personalities, and how they passed.
  • Physical Mediumship: As the energy of the deceased merges with Marnie, she brings forward rich, authentic details about their character, appearance, and unique traits.
  • Mental Mediumship: Marnie receives mental impressions and vivid images from your loved one, offering you messages and memories that hold deep meaning.

Her readings are always focused on you—on bringing through messages and validations that resonate deeply with your heart and offer comfort and closure.

As a natural-born medium, Marnie has spent decades honing her gift of spiritual communication, becoming a trusted voice for the departed. Since 2007, she has shared her healing work with the public, helping thousands find peace and connection with the other side. Marnie humbly credits her gifts to divine guidance and the grace of God.

What to Expect During Your Session:

  • Marnie will share details about your loved one’s appearance, personality, and how they passed, as well as significant life events that only they could know.
  • Spirit often provides names—both of the deceased and living family or friends—offering undeniable validation that your loved one is present.
  • Marnie will ask your loved ones to share personal, unique messages that speak directly to you.

She can also connect with deceased pets, bringing forward any messages or healing they wish to share.

Preparing for Your Session:

Before your reading, Marnie will explain how the session will unfold. She creates a compassionate, welcoming environment to help you feel comfortable as she merges with the spiritual realm. To ensure the best experience, Marnie encourages you to come with an open heart and mind, ready to receive the messages that come through.

A statue of an angel with pink flowers in the background.

Combo Session Medium Reading and a SoulTalk Session

This session is excellent for someone who wants to speak with a deceased loved one but also needs some grief, soul healing, and intuitive guidance to help them on their journey. Marnie will start with a medium reading, and the rest will be a SoulTalk session. A Combo Session is available for 60- and 90-minute sessions. Your session is recorded. Click here to book a phone or Zoom session, or go to the Contact Marnie page to request an in-person session. 

Types of Readings & Pricing

A woman with long blonde hair wearing pearls.
  • INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY MEDIUM READING: Available in-person, by Zoom and by phone. A 60-minute recorded session costs $300.00  + GST for phone and Zoom. The in-person session is $350.00 + GST. Additionally, family members will be charged $50.00 + GST per person.  

  • SOULTALK SESSION:  Available in-person, via Zoom and by phone. No mediumship will be provided in this session.  The cost for a 60-minute recorded session by telephone or Zoom is $300.00 + GST. The price for an in-person session is $350.00 + GST. 


    After your medium reading, you can include a SoulTalk session, which offers guidance and healing to help you overcome grief and loss.  This 60-minute session is available in person, via phone or Zoom. The cost is $300. 00 + GST for 60 minutes and $400.00 + GST for a 90-minute session. The cost for a 60-minute in-person is $350.00 + GST, and a 90-minute session is $450.00 + GST for in-person. All sessions include a recording. 

  • The above pricing is in Canadian Funds. 

    It's important to us that you are fully informed. Please take a moment to read and understand the terms and conditions. Marnie kindly requests that you refrain from providing any information about the reason for your booking or details about the deceased. Just so you know, pricing is subject to change without notice.

Please note the following! 

Marnie has strong ethics. These spiritual ethics were given to her by the angels and deceased loved ones.  Marnie will not be answering any questions that are not in alignment with her values or the ethics of heaven. Please refrain from asking Marnie and your deceased loved ones about the personal lives of other people living during a session, including your children. Marnie can refuse to answer these or any questions unaligned with God. This questioning is considered prying and unlawful in the afterlife and can damage your soul.

The information provided is what God and the Holy Angels feel you need to hear. It goes where it is most needed. Marnie relays the information your deceased loved ones and the angels offer her. Mediumship, speaking with the angels, seeking healing from the Holy Spirit, or speaking with deceased loved ones can provide healing; it is not available to gain forbidden knowledge, which God strictly condemns. Thank you for understanding.


Marnie is amazing. I sat in a room with no pictures at all or hints for anything and she was so right about so many things. I had lost my dad the year prior and my mom many years before. There were things she said she could not possibly have known and only they would have known.

I want to thank you Marnie for the peace you gave me knowing my parents are ok and with the rest of my family who have already crossed over.

Crystal Ward

Medium Marnie Hill is one of those rare individuals who is in touch with both the Angels and her spirit guides. Through her, our loved ones can send us messages of hope, healing and assurance, which from time to time we all need.

Blessings and hugs Marnie.

Kirk Boote

well I have known Marnie for about 10 years as my medium. From my very first reading, I was kind of put off because the reading seemed to be off the wall, within a very short time period everything that was read all came true! I was shocked as there is no way I would have ever believed had I not gone through it !! I usually get a reading once or 2 a year and her uncanny insight is not short of magical... once a reading is finished I wait for life to play out so I can see if everything comes to pass and about 95% comes to pass!!
My daughter also sees Marnie and has very successful insightful readings.... We love and respect her so much!!

My gratitude is beyond measure as she really helps me through life the here and afterlife. The absolute truth..

If you need answers ask Marnie.

We sincerely appreciate and love you Marnie all the best to one that helps so many!!

Jeannie Anderson

I hosted a sacred circle and was impressed that Marnie took the time for everyone in our group to have someone come through. I didn't know everyone that attended, but know that she delivered some very accurate information. it was a powerful experience that left my heavy heart a little bit lighter, and I appreciate that.

Barb Curle

Marnie is amazing and has a wonderful gift. I was skeptical at first, but she's the real deal. Thank you Marnie.

Tamatha Root
A close up of pink roses in the sunlight.