Medium Marnie Hill’s Terms and Conditions

Important Information Please Read

It's crucial that you thoroughly understand and agree to the following terms and conditions before proceeding with your session booking. This will ensure you are fully informed and responsible for your booking. YOU MUST AGREE TO THESE TERMS BEFORE BOOKING ANY OF MARNIE'S SERVICES. 


You must be 18 and older to have a reading/session with Marnie Hill. You will now need to provide 72 hours notice if you need to reschedule your appointment; if you need to reschedule, please email Marnie. You must respond to Marnie's email for the rescheduling to be considered a rescheduled. 

If you have booked an in-person session and can't make it, you may change it to a phone or Zoom session with adequate notice by email. If you cannot attend an in-person session due to illness or transportation issues, please email Marnie the morning of your appointment or earlier to request a phone or Zoom session. Please only attend the in-person session if you are feeling well.


Refunds are not provided under any circumstances for any of the services or products purchased with Marnie Hill. Payments are non-transferable and non-redeemable for cash or other services and products. 


If you have purchased an in-person session and have changed this to a Zoom or phone session, you will NOT be reimbursed for the amount paid or the difference, if there is one. 


If you are sick or under AHS conditions regarding COVID-19 or any variants, you must change your appointment to a phone or Zoom session that day. Please inform Marnie of your appointment in the morning. DO NOT ATTEND YOUR SESSION IF YOU ARE SICK. 

If you book an in-person session and COVID-19 restrictions come back that do not allow you to attend your in-person session or for Marnie to have you at her location, your reading will be changed to a phone, Zoom or Skype session. You will be able to decide which one you prefer. A refund is not provided. 

Suppose you contract COVID-19 or any of its variants from Marnie Hill or the location of your session. In that case, you agree to waive all liabilities and responsibilities of Marnie Hill or Spirit Wellness Inc.

You agree to the following: 

You are over 18 years old; you understand that all services are for your overall well-being. Marnie Hill is not a licensed counsellor, medical, or health care provider. She will not diagnose conditions, perform medical or psychological assessments, prescribe medications, or provide legal guidance or advice.

Marnie reserves the right to put pricing specials on or change her pricing anytime without providing credit or reimbursement if you have paid the total price.

You also agree to waive all liabilities and that Spirit Wellness Inc. (Marnie Hill) is not liable or responsible for any circumstances that may arise from any of the services/sessions to the (client or the client's family, any persons or other family members, personally, financially, health-wise or professionally). This includes personal injury, loss of income, professional or personal decisions, stress, emotional, or otherwise.

Booking an individual reading is an individual reading. Please don't have any other attendees attend your session, as this can negatively impact your session, and a fee will be invoiced to you if additional people attend. Please book a couples or family reading to have other people attend. 

Phone, Skype, and Zoom Readings:

All services are booked in MST (Alberta time). Marnie will call you at your scheduled time for a phone reading and Skype sessions. You will automatically go into a waiting room for the Zoom call until Marnie is ready for your session. GIVING YOUR ZOOM LINK TO OTHER INDIVIDUALS IS PROHIBITED, AND THEY WILL BE DELETED FROM THE READING/SESSION.

Your environment is critical when having a phone or Zoom session with Marnie. Marnie is extremely sensitive to sound, your energy, and the energy around you during a session. Please do not have a reading while walking, running, driving, cleaning the house, or attending to children. Please be in a quiet room free from other people and distractions, including heavy electronics that expel lots of electricity. Pets are okay if you do not need to attend to them during the session. Your session is an investment into your healing; please treat it this way.

Marnie is not responsible for the quality of your Zoom session. Please ensure you have Zoom uploaded and are familiar with how to use it. If Zoom, for whatever reason, is not working correctly, you will be transferred to a phone session. This is part of your reading time. Marnie will not extend your reading time for this transference. 

Other Important Information:


When purchasing a gift certificate for a specific amount on Marnie's website, the redeemer must pay the difference when booking their appointment. All gift certificates have an expiration date, and please keep in mind the expiration date. There are no refunds or date extensions on gift certificates. All terms and conditions apply to the purchaser and receiver of the gift certificate. 


Marnie does not guarantee any services she offers or will bring forward information or evidence you want to hear. The spirit world (your loved ones) controls the information they want to share, not Marnie. Marnie is simply a conduit, a vessel, a gateway for heaven and your deceased loved ones. She doesn't control the information that comes through for you; she only delivers it. Your deceased loved ones may provide guidance, but you are in charge of how you think the information is coming to you.

Please remember that Marnie reserves the right to reschedule your appointment due to illness or family emergencies. If this happens, you will receive an email or a phone call to reschedule your appointment within the following weeks.


During live events and group readings, Marnie does not offer seat holding, refunds, service exchange, or transfers to another service or event with your purchase. Your purchase for a group reading or a sacred circle does not guarantee a reading. You must turn your cell phone off; photos, videos, or voice recordings are strictly prohibited.


To avoid any legal action against you, you agree not to reproduce, sell, copy, duplicate, video, or share the recording of your session on any social media sites or with any media station or persons without prior approval directly from Marnie Hill. This includes posting your session now to social media sites or exploiting any portion of the services provided without written consent from Marnie Hill (Spirit Wellness Inc.)

No video or voice recordings are provided during sacred circles, group events, workshops, coaching sessions, house clearing, blessings, or paranormal services. Video or voice recording of these services is strictly prohibited and will be subject to legal action from Marnie Hill of (Spirit Wellness Inc.)

Marnie will voice record your reading for you, and you may also voice record your private reading. Your recording will be sent through an email transfer program. You'll need to download your recording within seven days, as your recording is deleted after seven days. Your recording is sent on the same day as your session. 


All workshops and meditations are copyright-protected and available for healing. Purchasing or registering for these events does not permit you to teach these workshops to others or sell or reproduce the information. All terms and conditions apply. All workshops are non-refundable, non-redeemable for cash, and non-transferable. You must be 18+ to attend any workshops online or in person.


Years ago, Marnie faced challenges from people in the psychic industry and the general public who tried to harm her personally and professionally. As a result, Marnie started using a security system in her office for her protection. All services are recorded on video without sound to safeguard the confidential information shared during sessions. Video or audio recordings will only be shared with the appropriate authorities if required by law or at Marnie's discretion. This surveillance system is strictly used for protection purposes only.

Please do not attend your session if you are under the influence of a narcotic or have recently consumed alcoholic beverages or marijuana (1-24 hours). Please be kind while attending any of Marnie's services. Refrain from negative remarks; Marnie is very sensitive during her sessions, and negativity and rudeness can cause havoc in your session. Politeness and kindness create beautiful energy.